Do you have siblings? I have two! Two sisters. Now Shelly, she is an only child. Where are you in the birth order? I am in the middle. That’s right in the middle surrounded by girls. It wasn’t too rough growing up. I learned to appreciate women. I learned to put the toilet seat down, etc. Did you ever bicker, quarrel, and fight; have a tiff here and there? We had our fair share in our family. It was mostly small stuff, “quit hogging the Speak and Spell.” “Mom, she took my A-Team thermos.” A lot of times children fight. They are learning how to communicate, they are developing independence and sometimes siblings fight because of jealousy and competition. Typically, this jealousy and competition is over their parent’s love and their role in the family.
In our Relationslips series we have looked at dynamics of a number of relationships and the slip ups that often happen. This week we will read about two brothers, twin brothers in fact, Esau and Jacob. These two have their first tiff while still in their mother, Rebekah’s womb and it doesn’t stop there. They seem to be fighting for their place in their family and in God’s blessing. They fight because they seem to think that there is a limited supply of love in their family and of blessing from God. They seem to see their world as one of scarcity and yet God is a God of Abundance.
I am reminded of a song by Chris Tomlin, called “Enough” it reads,
“All of you is more then enough for all of me, for every thirst and every need, you satisfy me with your love and all I have in you is more than enough.”
Our text this week comes from Genesis 25:19-34. I hope you will join Pastor Corey and me, along with our worship leaders this Sunday. We will worship God, celebrate Holy Communion, and explore the dynamics of this sibling Relationslip and how we can learn and grow in our own relationships.
Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Jad
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