St. Luke's United Methodist Church


4851 S. Apopka-Vineland Road
Orlando, FL 32819
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Our Purpose: Awaken disciples to reveal the Kingdom, reveal the Kingdom to awaken disciples.

Our Mision Statement: That the believers of St. Luke’s United Methodist Church will reach as many people as possible in Central Florida introducing them to eternal life in Jesus Christ. Together, we commit to worship, connect, care, and grow as Disciples, to serve in revealing the Kingdom of God.

Our Core Values: At our center is the love of Jesus Christ.

We value Christ-Centered:

  • Acceptance: We recognize that Christ’s love has no boundaries.
  • Hospitality: We welcome all to share Christ’s love through help, hope, and healing
  • Community: We claim a sacred place where Christ’s love unites all to support and care for others while nurturing a personal relationship with God.
  • Discipleship: We believe we are called to be living representatives of Jesus Christ and bring others to know God’s mercy, justice, grace, and love.
  • Service: We respond to Christ’s love and God’s call, by sharing our time, talents, tithes, spiritual gifts, and resources.

Click here to read St. Luke’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Statement

Click here to read St. Luke’s Vision for Racial Equity


Worship: “Worship the Lord with gladness” Psalm 100:2
Worship is an opportunity for the people of God to gather to proclaim the revelation of God in Jesus Christ and be shaped and formed as we offer ourselves before God’s presence. We will provide worship to reach a variety of people through the same message of God’s word with different styles of music, art, and learning experiences.

Connect: “Love one another” 1 John 4:7
St. Luke’s will help people grow in their Christian faith so that they may live to be whole and complete in Christ. Connect Groups are a great entry point into the life of the church. These social groups meeting online or in-person and offer opportunities for connection, care, and communication based on interests, life stage, or geography. People will also have the opportunities to connect with the life of St. Luke’s through “Project Connect” Classes including “Discover St. Luke’s” and our “Partnership” class. These sessions help St. Lukers seeking to join the church (become Partners, St. Luke’s term for members) or just seeking to learn more about St. Luke’s understand the church’s mission, vision, values, structure, and culture.

Care: “Love one another” 1 John 4:7

In order to make the love of Christ a real presence in the life of each person, St. Luke’s Care Ministries extends support during the trials of life and celebrate the joys. St. Luke’s strives to offer appropriate resources to fit unique needs and creates and maintains innovative programs to minister to people spiritually, emotionally, and physically. St. Luke’s encourages all to explore and maximize their individual spiritual gifts for the work of the church and to the glory of God.

Grow: “Grow in grace and knowledge” 2 Peter 3:18
St. Luke’s will provide opportunities for worship and spiritual growth that will help develop mature disciples of Jesus Christ. Utilizing St. Luke’s Discipleship Framework, we will provide opportunities for individual growth, and both small and large group spiritual formation studies for children, youth, and adults. These ministries will encompass the total person: body, mind, and spirit.

Serve: “Do justice: love kindness: walk humbly with God” Micah 6:8
St. Luke’s success in Kingdom building will be measured by the extent to which gifted, committed, and enthusiastic disciples of Jesus Christ are in a habit of serving in faithful obedience to God’s will, both on campus, in the world, and in the community and with our community partners while witnessing to God’s mercy, justice, and love.

Commit: “All things work together for good” Romans 8:28
St. Luke’s will provide the informational, technical, and creative expertise to help all ministries of the church function effectively and with ease as they Build the Kingdom by Building Disciples. Each St. Luker’s is invited to use their time, gifts and resources as a commitment to the ongoing work of the church both on our campus and within the community.

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