This week has been a week of blessing for me as I have heard witness after witness share about their participation in our Prayer week. Whether it’s been attending one of the classes or coming to a prayer station to pray, people have been blessed by the opportunity to come and pray specifically for ministries of the church. Sunday evening the small group I participate in joined me in the Sanctuary as I closed the campus with prayer and communion. We took silent time for prayer followed by prayer for each other. We gathered around the table next to the Memorial Garden and shared in bread and cup. It was a powerful opportunity to feel the love we have for St. Luke’s. Each of us represent different ministries, different gifts, different connections, even worship in different venues, however there was a strong sense of our collaborative stewardship of this church. Everything matters, each ministry, each volunteer, each community – all combine together to live into our purpose…being built into disciples who build the Kingdom of God…Click to continue reading the Weekly Update.
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