St. Luke's United Methodist Church


4851 S. Apopka-Vineland Road
Orlando, FL 32819
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Experience Lent with St. Luke’s

April 6, 2025 at Various dates and times

We invite U to experience Lent with St. Luke’s through worship, discipleship, service, and giving! Click through the tabs below for all the ways to continue to Learn, Live, Love, and Lead like Jesus as we journey to the cross together.

2025 Lenten Guide

For daily readings and prompts to help guide you on your Lenten journey, click here to view/download the 2025 Lenten Guide

2025 Lenten Playlist:

Holy Week Worship Services

Palm Sunday: April 13
Service Details: 9:30 a.m. in Founder’s Hall (Contemporary) and live on YouTube, and 10:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary (Traditional) and live on YouTube

Holy Thursday: April 17
Service Details: 7:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary

Good Friday: April 18
Service Details: 7:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary and live on YouTube

Easter Sunday: April 20
Service Details: 9:30 & 11:00 a.m. in Founder’s Hall (Contemporary) and live on YouTube, and 10:00 & 11:15 a.m. in the Sanctuary (Traditional) and live on YouTube


St. Luke’s campus will be closed on Monday, April 21 (Easter Monday)

Contact the church office at 407.876.4991 if you have any questions about the above information.

Lenten Offering

Lent – a time of deep reflection and anticipation is also a time of commitment to our most vulnerable neighbors near and far. Our Lenten Offering is one of the ways we fund life-transforming ministries, and what an opportunity to show up for children and families facing immense life challenges.

Will you join St. Luke’s Missions in setting aside at least $1.00 per day over 40 days for a special Lenten Offering to support Florida Immigration Law and Justice Center, and to help sponsor 180 children who are orphans in Rwanda through ZOE Empowers?

Please mark your gifts with “Lenten Offering” so we designate them to the right account. You can also give online by clicking the button below:

Adult Studies for Lent

Wesleyan Way with Pastor Melissa

How we live out our faith is directly tied to our core beliefs as a Methodist church in the Wesleyan theological tradition. If you didn’t grow up in this tradition, or if you never got a chance to dig deep with the “why” of who we are as a church, this class is going to be a great chance to get a thorough overview of the core beliefs about God, humanity and the church from a Wesleyan perspective.

Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. on campus starting March 12

Psalm Reading & Contemplation in Bewilderment with Pastor Jad 

In times of bewilderment, the Psalms offer a path through disorientation into renewed faith and hope. This class will explore Walter Brueggemann’s typology of the Psalms—orientation, disorientation, and new orientation—while engaging in contemplative reading practices to deepen our spiritual journey.

Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. on campus starting March 12

Chapters and Chat

Do you love to read and reflect but need flexibility in your schedule? Join Chapters and Chat, a fully online book group where you read at your own pace and participate in lively discussions in a Realm group. Night owl? Read and share at midnight! Early riser? Share your thoughts over your 6 a.m. coffee!

March’s Book: The Wild Land Within: Cultivating Wholeness through Spiritual Practice by Lisa Colón DeLay

Lenten Life Together Groups for Adults

Lent is not just a time of reflection; it’s a journey that holds both mystery and promise. It’s a journey inward, where we embrace the paradox of our faith—sorrow and joy, uncertainty and trust. It’s a journey upward, as we draw closer to God, finding stability not in our understanding, but in God’s presence. It’s a journey onward, walking alongside others who share this pilgrimage, bearing witness to the cross, the resurrection, and the hope that emerges from the mysteries of our faith.

Lenten Life Together groups will provide a space for shared reflection and growth as we journey through Lent together. Meeting weekly, these groups will engage in thoughtful discussions based on the daily content from the Lenten Guide. Each week, you’ll have the opportunity to reflect on scripture, share insights, and support one another as you deepen your spiritual journey during this season of renewal. Whether you’re new to the Lenten tradition or have participated for years, these groups offer a chance to walk through Lent with others, cultivating community and reflection along the way.

Sign up for a Lenten Life Together group today!

Lenten Life Together – Sundays @ 11:00 a.m. on campus starting March 9

Lenten Life Together – Mondays @ 7:00 p.m. on Zoom starting March 10

Care Ministry Opportunities

Let’s Get Cooking: Healthy Meals for the Diabetic: Join our Parish Nurse Lisa Crump, HEBNI Nutritional Educator Abigail Wnuk, and Dietician Celines Martinez, for this fun and interactive class. Enjoy some tasty treats and a delicious meal while refreshing your knowledge on diabetes and how to improve your nutritional choices. This class is open to anyone living with diabetes or caring for someone with diabetes.

We are excited to join one of our community partners, HEBNI (Health Education through Behavioral and Nutritional Initiatives), a non-profit which provides comprehensive nutrition-related strategies to decrease, manage and delay chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, obesity, and hypertension. HEBNI’s vision is to enable individuals to improve their health by driving changes in daily cooking and eating habits and increasing their knowledge of strategies to improving nutrition related diseases.

Join us in the KITCHEN of Building C on Thursday, April 3 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.  Cost for the class is $25 and includes a delicious healthy meal, all educational materials, a presentation from HEBNI, and a packet to take with you which includes a collection of new recipes to try at home. Deadline to register is March 31. For questions, Email or call 407.955.4756 our Parish Nurse.

Free Blood Pressure Checks and Blood Drive: Free blood pressure screenings will be available Sunday, May 18, outside both worship venues. The Big Red Bus will be on campus Sunday, May 18 from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. near Building C. Donors age 16 (who weigh at least 110 pounds may donate with parental consent) and 17+ can donate. A photo ID is required. Eligible donors will receive a OneBlood hat and a $20 E-gift card! Donors will also receive a wellness checkup including blood pressure check, pulse, temperature, iron level, and cholesterol screening. Pre-scheduling your appointment is strongly encouraged, but walk-ins may be accepted depending on availability. Click below to reserve your spot. Email the Care Office or call 407.876.4991 ext. 300 with any questions.

Caring Kitchen: Join this ministry in prepping delicious frozen crockpot meals for those recovering from a hospitalization/surgery, going through cancer/other treatments, having a baby, etc. Our next meetings are April 10, May 1, and June 5 at 7:00 p.m. in the Building C Kitchen. No experience required – just a compassionate heart and a passion for caring. Register by clicking the button below. Know a St. Luker who would like a crockpot meal? Email the Care Office or call 407.876.4991 ext. 262.

Care Visitation Team: Mark your Connection Card or contact the Care Office so a Care Visitation Team member can pray and offer care to you while you go through a surgery, hospitalization, or illness. Know a St. Luker who can no longer come to church? A Care Visitation Team volunteer can visit them on a monthly basis and keep them connected to St. Luke’s. Contact the Care Office for more information.

Coping with Caregiving Support Group: Caring for a loved one with a chronic illness, age-related condition, or any other condition requiring care can be stressful. St. Luke’s invites you to a safe space to share experiences and receive support from others facing similar challenges. Join our Care Ministry lay leaders online for candid conversations and resources to help you care for both your loved one and yourself. Our next meetings are April 6 and May 4 from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Zoom. Registration is required. Email the Care Office or call 407.876.4991 ext. 300 for additional details. Sign up below for the March 9 meeting. April and May’s registrations will open shortly.

Hearts to Hands: Love to knit or crochet? Or maybe you want to learn? Join this ministry on Wednesdays at 3:30 p.m. in the Barnes Learning Center (second floor of Founder’s Hall) Room 210 and make needed items for Arnold Palmer Hospital while sharing fellowship with others. For those who can’t join in person, you may knit/crochet items for Hearts to Hands from the comfort of your home. Contact the Care Office at 407.876.4991 ext. 262 for patterns and more information.

Stephen Ministry: Going through a difficult time? In need of someone to listen, encourage, and pray with you? Contact the Care Office to be confidentially matched with a trained caring Christian who will listen, pray, and support you through job loss, marital issues, illness, grief, etc. Stephen Ministers are not pastors or counselors. Women are matched with women and men with men. Mark your Connection Card or call the Care Office at 407.876.4991 ext. 262 for more details.

Serve with St. Luke’s Missions

Habitat for Humanity: Habitat for Humanity builds strength, security and self-reliance through homeownership. Join a team on the next St. Luke’s Build Day to help build and revitalize homes in East Winter Garden. The next build date is Saturday, March 29.

Disaster Response Team:  Join a team of volunteers to provide a caring, Christian presence in the aftermath of a disaster.  Sign up for the Call Center Training on April 24 or the Early Response Team training on April 26 so we will be ready to respond in the upcoming storm season.

Sleep in Heavenly Peace: A bed is a basic need for the well-being of a child, and close to 800,000 children in the U.S. don’t have one to sleep on – including neighbors in our own community. Help St. Luke’s and Sleep in Heavenly Peace respond to this need in a very tangible way at our next bed build day on May 3! No experience is needed, and all are welcome. Sign up and learn more by clicking the button below:

Blessed Treasures Gift Shop: The United Women in Faith’s (formerly the UMW) Blessed Treasures Gift Shop features handmade seasonal decorations and home décor, giftable items, as well as gently loved clothing, a variety of beautiful new jewelry, artwork, and more. They have a new room at the Blessed Treasures Gift Shop. Come by to see! All proceeds support local, state, and international missions and charities.

Holy Week Volunteers Needed

Holy Week is almost here, and we need helping hands to make it a meaningful experience for everyone! From greeting guests to serving Communion, setting up, or helping with parking, there’s a spot for you—sign up today and be part of this special week!

Palm SundayClick HERE

Holy Thursday and Good FridayClick HERE

Easter SundayClick HERE


How to Sign Up to Volunteer during Holy Week:

1️⃣ Click the link by the service you’d like to sign up for above.
2️⃣ On the calendar, click the blue “Add” button.

✅ If you’re already in the system: A window will pop up—simply click “Sign Up” and you’re all set!

🆕 If you’re new to the system: A window will pop up saying “Submit Request.” Once your request to join the team in Realm is approved, you’ll receive a confirmation email.

After approval, return to this page, click your desired service again, and click the blue “Add” button once more.

This time, you’ll see the “Sign Up” option—click it, and you’re officially signed up!


Email Tiffany Meadows-Green with questions!


Prayer Labyrinth

Location: Youth Center

Date/Times to Experience the Labyrinth:

Friday, March 29 from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Saturday, March 30 from 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

The Prayer Labyrinth is a space for reflection, meditation, and contemplation. All ages are welcome to experience the Prayer Labyrinth, which will include a labyrinth path and prayer stations.

Thursday, March 28 from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.


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