Laura Lorenz
Director of Marketing
Email: llorenz@st.lukes.org
Phone: 407.876.4991 ext. 234
Laura joined the St. Luke’s staff in August of 2017 as the Marketing Intern, was given the full-time position of Marketing Coordinator in October 2017, and took on the role of Director of Marketing in January 2022. Her responsibilities include monitoring and posting on all St. Luke’s social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.), designing and printing various marketing materials for all ministry areas, editing and sending the Weekly Update emails, and more.
Laura received her bachelor’s degree in Public Relations from Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana. She moved here to Orlando with her husband, David, and their dog, Max, in August 2016. Since moving to Florida the Lorenz family has added another 4-legged friend named Jett, and had their first child, Austin, born October 29, 2021, and their second, Sadie, born on June 1, 2024!
Laura became a member of St. Luke’s in June 2017. She is a member of the Sanctuary Choir, the Ladies Ensemble, and participates in Theater at St. Luke’s productions.