Did you know that 2.5 million children will experience homelessness this year?
As we continue to provide assistance to the most vulnerable members of our community, we need YOUR help!
Family Promise needs shelter rotation volunteers while the families stay at the Day Center. Volunteers help provide delicious meals, healthy conversation, quality time throughout the week and during the weekends.
Family Promise has a wide range of volunteer opportunities for everyone and every skill set!
To find out more about volunteering as a host at the Family Promise Day Center, contact serve@st.lukes.org.
St. Luke’s volunteers during the holiday season (Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s weeks) by providing meals for Family Promise families. Sign-ups will come in the fall.
There are opportunities to volunteer year-round with Family Promise at the Day Center.
To visit Family Promise’s direct registration portal, click the link below.
Article written by Julia Gardiner
We got a list of some items that were pretty universally liked, for example, pasta. So we did our best to make meals that everyone would enjoy. On Friday we made a tuna casserole because we weren’t sure of the religious affiliations of the families, but we wanted everyone to be accounted for. (Good Friday, 2020)
The shopping was a little nerve-wracking because it was very different than we’ve ever seen it. There were stickers to remind people to distance themselves and some people were wearing gloves and masks. There were also items that were harder to find – we ended up with 3 different brands and 2 flavors of pasta sauce because there was so little left.
The Gardiner family prepared meals for 3 consecutive days in April, 2020.
If you have any questions, please contact Saniye at skazan@st.lukes.org for more information.