St. Luke's United Methodist Church


4851 S. Apopka-Vineland Road
Orlando, FL 32819
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End Hunger: From Food Apartheid to Food Sovereignty

Posted on October 29, 2020 at 6:21 pm in .

We are glad that some of you were able to join us for the End Hunger webinar and workshops.

These workshops covered the nuts and bolts of starting community-based micro-farms and building a network of communities.

These workshops followed our End Hunger, nation-wide virtual event that was offered on October 1. This event was designed to 1) reframe lack of access to adequate and affordable food in ways which lead to understanding the actual root causes, and 2) equip participants with tools to design community-based food systems through an asset-based approaches to utilize land, organize communities and advancing food and economic sovereignty.


Listen to this message from Rev. Dr. Heber Brown III,
Senior Pastor of Pleasant Hope Baptist Church, Baltimore, MD and Founding Executive Director of Black Church Food Security Network in Baltimore, introducing the webinar and workshops.

Rev. Dr. Brown III was the Keynote speaker of the End Hunger Virtual Event. He and his team facilitated the subsequent workshops on how to create community-based and just food systems using church and other land in neighborhoods for food security and food sovereignty.


End Hunger Workshop Recordings and Resources 



This event is sponsored by:

Bread for the World

Central Florida Alliance to End Hunger

Florida Conference of the United Methodist Church

St. Luke’s United Methodist Church


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