St. Luke's United Methodist Church


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Orlando, FL 32819
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Blog Post from Pastor Jenn-March 1, 2018

Posted on March 1, 2018 at 7:16 pm in .

“Dear Friends, Come to worship…because Jesus is there… – Jenn.”

That’s the gist of what I sent to Dawn Fleming (our Executive Director of Marketing) as my Weekly Update deadline came and went on Wednesday. I was busy all day with meetings off campus, and frankly, I was just struggling with what to write. Each week we have the task of:

1) Writing something inspiring

2) Being informative on either what has happened or what is happening in the church

3) Remarking on what is happening in the world

4) Getting you ready to for worship with a preview of what is to come on Sunday

That’s a lot to try to write and by the way, I forgot one… 5) Keep it short!

So today, I’ll just give you this line from the Scripture of this week found in John 2:12-22. After he has made a whip and chased all of the money changers, cattle and sheep out of the temple court, Scripture says “His disciples remembered it is written, Passion for your house consumes me.” Was Jesus talking about His passion for the temple? The work of the temple? Or something more? Does it consume His thoughts, His work of ministry or again, something more? When Jesus looks at the world today and the role of the church or even the lives of his followers, what would he be chasing out that gets in the way? Just something to think about as we look at the world and consider what it is that consumes our days.

The full text I sent Dawn was a little more direct but pretty close to being on target…

Dear friends,

Come to worship…

Because Jesus is there…

And you might see him get out a whip and get mad.

You never know…

But I will add this…what I do know about Christ is how this scene ended up playing out. He sure was angry, and His passion laid a table before us to receive His love and forgiveness. Sunday, we will gather at His table to receive His passionate love which always wins.


Click here to read the full Weekly Update

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