Dear St. Lukers,
It’s been a busy week at St. Luke’s! (I feel I start off almost every Weekly Update with this sentence!) We are in our second week of St. Luke’s Theater Production camp and “Singin’ in the Rain Jr.” is going to be a HIT! I’ve taken some time to watch their rehearsals and you are not going to want to miss this show. Our young Gene Kelly, Donald O’Connor and Debbie Reynolds are natural talents and you are going to be amazed at what the entire cast has learned in just two weeks. Just look at this video for a sneak peek at what you can expect:
Singin’ in the Rain Jr. from St. Luke’s UMC on Vimeo.
The kids have worked hard this week so let’s support them by showing up and being a great audience! Click here for your tickets!
St. Luke’s participated in multiple events commemorating Pulse this week as well. From the Rally for Action, to prayers on-site between the hours of the tragedy from 2:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m., to the private ceremony with victims’ families and the public city commemoration and ringing of bells, your St. Luke’s staff and lay leaders used their gifts and offered their presence in powerful ways. Just look at some of the pictures and listen to our own Alina Alcantera sing “Somewhere over the Rainbow” and “For Good.”
Our presence throughout the week represented our core values as St. Lukers, our 2020+ Vision Reconciling Love pillar: “a vision for Beloved Community,” but also gave a glimpse of what Jesus preached about the Kingdom of God. Everyone was represented in race, culture, age, gender, politics, orientation, and economics and what held us together was the love we have for Jesus Christ which calls us to love all God’s children. It was a beautiful representation of what it means to the be the church. During this difficult week, there was also prayer time with our staff and reaching out to seek to help the family of the four children who were shot in our own neighborhood. We can’t imagine what the family is going through, as well as the school and people who loved these children. May we continue to be a place that seeks to be a beacon of prayer, healing, and tangible love for our community.
This Sunday, Melissa and I will be finishing out our sermon series on Sabbath. We have focused on what Sabbath is, why we need it and Jesus’ heart for Sabbath, but it leaves us all with the practical question of HOW we Sabbath. Come join us in worship this week as we seek to find some practical ways to seek regular Sabbath rest as a part of our weekly faith journey.
This will be my last Weekly Update until I return from renewal leave. I have two trips scheduled for personal study and spiritual direction, with a third in the works, as well as time with my family. But I want you to know about something I can’t wait to come back for…
I just met with Bill Barnes and Jim Harnish today for lunch to plan for one of the Sunday’s in our August sermon series entitled, “So…The Bible…” They will be joining me in a conversation on August 24 as a part of a “TEACHIING” worship series on Biblical interpretation and understanding how St. Luke’s has understood the reading of scripture through our Wesleyan tradition. Each Sunday beginning on July 29, worship will have longer teaching time on how we engage scripture, even some of the more difficult portions. AND each Sunday evening at 6:00 p.m. you can join us for a special teaching and worship experience on particularly difficult passages. You won’t want to miss a single week, so plan now on making sure you are a part of worship either on campus or online! So, trust me, I’m resting up because I’m coming back ready to be a part of some really exciting things!!
See you this weekend as we “Sing in the Rain Jr.” and Worship together.
Grace and Peace,
Click here to read the full Weekly Update