St. Luke's United Methodist Church


4851 S. Apopka-Vineland Road
Orlando, FL 32819
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 St. Luke’s invites adults of all ages, no matter where they are in their faith to journey, to grow deeper.  Whether you have been a part of the church for your whole life or are still trying to figure out what church is all about, we offer opportunities to help you deepen your faith and grow your relationship with God.

Upcoming Classes and Learning Opportunities:

Lenten Life Together Groups

Lent is not just a time of reflection; it’s a journey that holds both mystery and promise. It’s a journey inward, where we embrace the paradox of our faith—sorrow and joy, uncertainty and trust. It’s a journey upward, as we draw closer to God, finding stability not in our understanding, but in God’s presence. It’s a journey onward, walking alongside others who share this pilgrimage, bearing witness to the cross, the resurrection, and the hope that emerges from the mysteries of our faith.

Lenten Life Together groups will provide a space for shared reflection and growth as we journey through Lent together. Meeting weekly, these groups will engage in thoughtful discussions based on the daily content from the Lenten Guide. Each week, you’ll have the opportunity to reflect on scripture, share insights, and support one another as you deepen your spiritual journey during this season of renewal. Whether you’re new to the Lenten tradition or have participated for years, these groups offer a chance to walk through Lent with others, cultivating community and reflection along the way.

Sign up for a Lenten Life Together group today!

Lenten Life Together – Sundays @ 11:00 a.m. on campus starting March 9

Lenten Life Together – Mondays @ 7:00 p.m. on Zoom starting March 10

Wesleyan Way with Pastor Melissa

How we live out our faith is directly tied to our core beliefs as a Methodist church in the Wesleyan theological tradition. If you didn’t grow up in this tradition, or if you never got a chance to dig deep with the “why” of who we are as a church, this class is going to be a great chance to get a thorough overview of the core beliefs about God, humanity and the church from a Wesleyan perspective.

Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. on campus starting March 12

Psalm Reading & Contemplation in Bewilderment with Pastor Jad 

In times of bewilderment, the Psalms offer a path through disorientation into renewed faith and hope. This class will explore Walter Brueggemann’s typology of the Psalms—orientation, disorientation, and new orientation—while engaging in contemplative reading practices to deepen our spiritual journey.

Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. on campus starting March 12

Chapters and Chat

Do you love to read and reflect but need flexibility in your schedule? Join Chapters and Chat, a fully online book group where you read at your own pace and participate in lively discussions in a Realm group. Night owl? Read and share at midnight! Early riser? Share your thoughts over your 6 a.m. coffee!

March’s Book: The Wild Land Within: Cultivating Wholeness through Spiritual Practice by Lisa Colón DeLay

“Your Week with St. Luke’s” Podcast – On Demand: Catch up on all previously recorded Sunday Night lectures and Office Hours Conversations with the pastors and special guests on your own time. New episodes drop on Mondays.





The Land of Israel in Biblical Perspective

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is tangled up in questions about what the Bible has to say about the people of Israel and the land of Israel. This three-week series, taught by Candler OT professor Ryan Bonfiglio, offers biblical perspectives on this complex topic. We’ll discuss the history of the land of Israel and who has lived there, the nature and purpose of God’s promise of land to the ancient Israelites, and what the OT has to say about how Israel is to treat foreigners who live among them. Emphasis will be placed on how you can enter conversations about the present conflict with more nuance, understanding, and compassion.

Click the image above to view episodes.

Ongoing Groups Throughout the Week

These groups have been going for a while, and are always welcoming new people! Join one of these existing group for fellowship, connection, and discussion over a good book. Some meet in person, some meet online, and some meet in a hybrid format.

Tuesday Morning Women’s Group: This group meets on Tuesday mornings from 7:15 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. in BLC-212.  The group does Bible studies as well as book studies and provides an opportunity for women to connect with each other.   The group will study Ann Voskamp’s book “1000 Gifts:  A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are.”

Breathing Space: Join this group for community, discussion, and Lectio Divina on Tuesdays at 8:00 p.m.

Thursday Morning Men’s Group: All men are invited to join this virtual community for conversation, community, and prayer. This Zoom group starts at 7:45 a.m. every Thursday with the book: Not in God’s Name: Confronting Religious Violence by Rabbi Jonathan Sacks.

Join a Life Together Group anytime!

Life Together groups get together weekly (either online or in-person) for community and discussion around a topic, scripture reference, or book. It’s the perfect place to make new friends and grow together in your faith journey.


New Directions: Join this group of 50 to 80-somethings for Bible study, discussion, and fellowship. The New Directions class meets on Sunday mornings at 11:10 AM in B-201 (upstairs). Participants can also join by Zoom. Current study: Breaking the Code:  Understanding the Book of Revelation by Bruce M. Metzger.


Life Together Tuesday Friends (Online at 1:30 p.m.): This online group meets on the first and third Tuesdays of the month! Join us at 1:30 p.m. on Zoom to be part of this safe place of acceptance and hospitality where everyone can LEARN God’s story and LIVE their stories together while being connected and cared for, growing spiritually, and being supported to LEAD faith-centered lives.


Morning Edition: All women are invited to join this online group on Wednesdays at 8:15 a.m. with What Happens Next by Max Lucado. Sign up below to receive the Zoom link.

Parenting Together: Join this group for fellowship and discussion with other parents after dropping off the kids for Wednesday night programming. Meet most Wednesdays in the Smart Classroom of the Barnes Learning Center (above Founder’s Hall) starting at 6:30 p.m.


Thursday Afternoon Women’s Bible Study (hybrid): All women are invited to join this group. We meet weekly for discussion and connection following along with the church-wide study. Join us on Thursdays at 1:00 p.m. on campus or online.

Thursday Evenings with Friends: Join this intergenerational group for fellowship, connection, and spiritual growth weekly on Zoom starting at 6:30 p.m. We meet once a month in person. New friends can join us anytime!

Couples (Thursday nights on Zoom): Join other couples for weekly Bible study and lots of laughs! We meet Thursdays on Zoom starting at 6:30 p.m.

Life Together – Young Adults/Young Professionals (25-35): Join other young adults who are leading their lives on purpose as they share life, explore Scripture, and grow together. The group meets at 7:00 p.m. at St. Luke’s in the Building A Youth Extension Room 101.


Women of the Word Bible Study (online at 9:30 a.m.): Women of the Word is a Bible Study for women ranging from 60 years of age and north. Each week, the group focuses on 2-3 chapters of the Bible, enlivened by exploring different translations, commentaries, and experiences. The group studies and shares in prayer for one another. Meets weekly on Saturdays at 9:30 a.m. on Zoom.



This community meets monthly at World of Beer located at 7750 Palm Parkway, Orlando on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m.! This is a unique opportunity for individuals to explore meaningful conversations in a relaxed and inclusive environment. It invites participants to dive into open discussions on life, faith, philosophy, and theology, fostering both personal reflection and a sense of community. Whether you’re looking to explore deep questions, share your perspectives, or simply engage with others in a thoughtful way, all are welcome to join in.

Email Pastor Jad Denmark with questions or visit to RSVP.


Spiritual Gifts are special abilities used for spiritual purposes. Of God’s design and grace, these gifts are bestowed upon us by the Holy Spirit according to God’s purpose for our lives. We each have talents that enable us to train in different fields. However, it is in the utilization of our spiritual gifts that we fulfill God’s purpose for us–in the church, in the community, and in the world. Identifying your spiritual gifts provides insight as to what you can do to achieve the most fulfillment in service.

Click here to take the Spiritual Gifts Assessment!

This assessment helps you discover and define the special abilities God has given you according to his spiritual purpose for your life.

Email Liz Vasquez, Director of Adult Discipleship & Evangelism, with questions on Spiritual Gifts.


The Land of Israel in Biblical Perspective with Dr. Ryan Bonfiglio



Paul’s Travels in Greece – A Virtual Tour with Pastor Bill Barnes 



Rev. Jad Denmark, Minister of Community Life & Grow Ministries
phone: 407.876.4991, ext. 237

Liz Vasquez, Director of Adult Discipleship & Evangelism
phone: 407-876-4991, ext. 216

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