St. Luke's United Methodist Church


4851 S. Apopka-Vineland Road
Orlando, FL 32819
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A Note from Steve Schneeberger-August 9, 2018

Posted on August 9, 2018 at 2:16 pm in .

Dear St. Lukers,

When I was a kid, kickball was the favorite recess sport. Most often the game involved our entire class being divided (or picked by team captains) into two equal teams. The line up usually meant that the really good athletes would get in the front of the line and the rest of us would wait our turn to kick at the back of the line. When it was my turn to kick, I could request the pitch – “slow and smooth” or “fast and rocky” or some combination of speed and delivery that would guarantee a good kick on the ball. I was a “slow and smooth” guy. I wanted to be sure that I made contact on the kick, placing the ball where I wanted it.

So, I have been on staff at St. Luke’s for 14 months (like a baby’s age, I don’t start counting years until after two). I can describe my experience thus far as slow and smooth. Slow means that we have been intentional at building a solid foundation for our Grow ministries. We hired a youth director one year ago and the youth ministry has grown over this past year culminating in three mission trips involving youth and 62 high schoolers at our end-of-summer lake party. Our children’s ministry has experienced record numbers of children involved in Vacation Bible School and Summer Camps. Our adult ministry is introducing a new way of learning through Distance Learning with Candler School of Theology. You can register for this class which begins on August 23 here. We have a new bookstore in the Welcome Hall where you can buy Bibles for our current series. And, our recreation ministry continues to reach more families with the addition of flag football this year. There is GROWTH all over St. Luke’s.

That being said, we want to kick off the school year in a new way. This Sunday, August 12, we want you to “Dive In” to all the opportunities Grow Ministries is offering. We will be hosting parent meetings for parents of children (at 10:45 a.m. and 12:10 p.m. in the new multi-purpose room – first floor of Building A) and for parents of youth (at 11:15 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. near the new Youth Center – it isn’t quite finished). You will hear about exciting opportunities for your children and how we plan to use these newly renovated facilities. I guarantee you will walk away impressed and wanting to invite your friends who aren’t yet St. Lukers. We will also have opportunities to sign up for adult classes and soccer (in the breezeway between the Youth Center and Building A). Oh, and there will be inflatable games in the parking lot, Gaga Ball, and a food truck serving crepes (yummy).

In kickball terms, this is a slow and smooth pitch that has been culminating all year, ready for you to kick it out of the park. So, step up to the plate. It’s your turn now! See you on Sunday!!!

Steve Schneeberger

Executive Director of Grow Ministries

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