Dear St. Lukers,
What an amazing time we had last night at the Fall Family Fun Night! It was the perfect cool fall weather for a cookout, entertainment, activities, and sharing the season with all ages. Thank you to our Grow Team, staff, and ministry leaders for making the night such a great occasion to be together!
Last Sunday night during our online Bible study, Pastor Melissa led us in discussion on Luke 17. We encourage you to listen or watch her lecture as you prepare for worship on Sunday. At one point, long-time St. Luker Joline Krolicki talked about the need to stop using “red pens” in life. Joline is a former school educator who understands the power of the red pen to correct papers, tests, and make edits. She stressed how Jesus’ teachings in these chapters of Luke challenges us to put down our red pens of correcting and judgement of others.
I have thought about Pastor Melissa’s teaching a lot since Sunday night. Her parable to us is a very simple way of describing what our ReDefine sermon series is all about this month. Looking at the way we live in our daily interactions as disciples of a Jesus who teaches and lives out a new standard for us. Jesus redefines our witness calling us to celebrate rather than fearing others. He redefines our personal relationship with money and justice to be viewed as our witness of God as our master, and provider. In this chapter, Jesus is redefining kindness by challenging our perception of forgiveness, gratitude, and living with urgency for God, and in this chapter calls us to redefine what it means to be a kind person. I wonder, maybe Jesus takes the red pen out of our hands and puts it down, inviting us to pick up erasers instead. Remember those giant erasers from the 80’s that had the word “eraser” emblazoned on them? Maybe the ones Jesus gives us have the words grace, forgiveness, gratitude, and kindness.
Let’s think about that more on Sunday as we consider the stories of Luke 17 and ReDefine Kindness. Don’t forget, there are still yard signs available for purchase to help share St. Luke’s witness of love during the fall festivities in your community. Pick one up on Sunday in the Welcome Hall for just $12 and share your St. Luke’s witness!
See you Sunday at St. Luke’s, where red pens don’t exist!