Wow, St. Lukers! When you show up, you show up strong.
Sunday was a wonderful day of testimony to God’s faithfulness, and then living in grateful response with the “Offering of Letters” through Bread for the World. We held sessions after each worship service filled with people ready to learn about the Farm Bill, and to give their support to help make a dent in food insecurity. Thank you for your time and support as we add advocacy to our tool belt of resources in seeking to Restore Hope in Central Florida. It has been an exciting summer of mission work, continuing with our Middle School Mission Team working this week on the coast, learning about efforts to help with coastal creation care (check out some of their pictures below!). It is so exciting to see our church continue to use their time, efforts, and voices to be a part of the stewardship of God’s Kingdom.
While we are on the subject of water, don’t forget we are going “under the sea” in just a week as we dive into Disney’s The Little Mermaid, our summer musical production! We hope you saw the article in the Orlando Sentinel sharing why we chose this musical (make sure to subscribe and support our local paper to be able to read). We are grateful to Matt Palm for helping us tell the story about our show, but also about who we are as St. Luke’s. I am not sure I have ever thought I would be quoted in a theatre article with a sentence about Jesus, but what a gift to be able to have Central Florida read “JESUS.” Make sure you get your tickets (click here), and remember this is not just for children or families! I promise there are messages for all of us, and the production value is like none we have had before. You will not want to miss it – in fact, consider who you might want to invite and let them experience St. Luke’s in a unique way.
This week in worship, we center on Psalm 86. Like last week, the theme of this Psalm builds on all of the others we have focused on, and leads us to consider what it means to have an “undivided heart.” Take a moment to not only read the Psalm, but listen to the playlist created to help you center in and experience the idea of calling and surrender the Psalmist writes about, and let’s love God through our worship together on Sunday.
Grace and Peace,