St. Luke's United Methodist Church


4851 S. Apopka-Vineland Road
Orlando, FL 32819
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A Note from Pastor Jad-June 27, 2024

Posted on June 27, 2024 at 8:59 am in .

Grace and Peace, Beloved St. Lukers,

It has been a powerful summer so far with St. Lukers living out their faith. With two Mission Trips to Washington DC, advocating for those most vulnerable, VBS saw hundreds of children, youth, and adults dancing, singing, snacking, learning, and growing in their faith. This week, our middle schoolers are all over Central Florida, working with our mission partners and learning how to relieve suffering in sustainable ways. Our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee provided powerful opportunities for all of us to have “PurposeFull Conversations” about LGBTQIA Pride AND Juneteenth. And we are hearing transformative stories about how you have been informed and enriched through those conversations, breaking bread and building bridges, together.

I want to encourage you to keep it up, St. Luke’s! Keep breaking bread and building bridges. Keep growing in your discipleship. There are two things this month that can help us do that.

The first is what Pastor Jenn mentioned in last week’s e-update, Bishop Berlin’s Challenge to read four documents between Juneteenth (Freedom Day) and July 4th (Independence Day):

The second is joining others in July’s “PurposeFull Conversation” around Disability Pride Month. Learn what Disability Pride is, why we, as disciples of Jesus Christ and St. Lukers, recognize Disability Pride, and how we can all honor our beloved siblings with disabilities.


Pastor Jad

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